Blake's cousin Eric in Oregon started a BC club (your shoe laces go around/behind your ankles). Well, Blake started a "SHANTS" far him and Garrett are the only ones to join! They can make the holes for you!
The holes in his pants (by his knees) got so big he put his legs through them. So you get two looks from one pair of pants. In the front it's SHORTS and in the back it's PANTS! He thought he was pretty cool. Wonder if he will wear his SHANTS to school?
*Oh my...I just asked AUSTIN if he wanted me to make him a sandwich for school. He said, "no tomorrow I'm going to the PB & J Club to get one." What... the kids donate $1 every now and then and "two girls" make peanut butter & Jelly sandwiches for them! This kid is in too many clubs! CHS has a club for everyone.