“Our homes are to be more than sanctuaries; they should also be places where God’s Spirit can dwell, where the storm stops at the door, where love reigns & peace dwells." ~ Thomas S. Monson

Monday, October 27, 2008

~Yes on Prop 8

We drove the streets to see what it looked like before waving our signs. I got goose bumps seeing all the 200+ families in our little area together in favor of protecting & restoring traditional marriage. We were so excited. We got LOTS of honks, thumbs up, & yelling "yes" for two hours.
It was so much fun & great for our kids to support something that they believe strongly in now & for their future. Blake yelling "Yes on 8"!

It was getting dark & they did not want to leave!


Tiffani said...

That is so great Shelli! Cute Blake yelling yes on 8! You guys are awesome!
Great background and pictures especially the one at he top!

The six of us! said...

I wish I had taken a moment to drive and look at it, my kids got so into it that by the time I thought to do that it was time to go. What a great turnout it was, from what we could see on our end by Party City the line didn't stop!!! I hope we made a difference!

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Wow, great video! With the music in the background and the kids screaming, it pulled at my heartstrings! All in the name of FAMILIES! xoxoxoxxo

Melvin and Carly said...

I loved how excited and vocal the youth got. This was a great way to teach them about the difference people can make by speaking out in support and defense of right.

Love your new look and the new picture in your header!

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT! You inspired the kids and I to get out there today at the spur of the moment! =) Awesome! YES on 8!!!! Love the new family pic!

Julie said...

Love the video...that was our experience on Rancho Cal as well! Isn't it nice to know that most of our city is in support of Prop 8?? Great pictures, our kids didn't want to leave either!

Tiffani said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday SHELLI!!!!!!!!!!! I love you sisterrrrrrrrrr! xo

*Shelli* said...

Thanks sisters :) love you both!

Anonymous said...

I love this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get chills.... =) oh, wouldn't it be nice!!!! Then we can married... and then we'd be happy!