“Our homes are to be more than sanctuaries; they should also be places where God’s Spirit can dwell, where the storm stops at the door, where love reigns & peace dwells." ~ Thomas S. Monson

Friday, February 8, 2013

Our Daughters! Two Sisters, Two Mission Calls!

Thank you Kelsey for this beautiful video :)

***Since the age change in the October 2012 General Conference many girls and boys have accepted the call. My sister(20) and I(19), who are from San Diego California, are apart of this amazing change! We never intended to serve a mission at the same time. We both submitted our papers together, received our calls on the same day, and we report on the same day :) Watch the WHOLE video to see where both of us go!!! And congratulations and good luck to any other missionary preparing to serve. God be with you 'till we meet again*** ~ Kelsey


Tristen said...

I cried like a baby watching this video. You must be so proud, they are beautiful and are going to be such a force. I cannot imagine the thought of my children reporting to the MTC the same day, speaking the same language, it is just so sweet. Thank you for this video, I'll go mop up my face now. :)

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

What a sweet day it was and how wonderful you captured it! Priceless! You should be very proud of your darling daughters! We sure are! xox